The right motivation is a gift and exactly what defines a successful person. Few are lucky enough to receive it from birth. Motivated people see the goal, strive for it despite all the difficulties and obstacles, filling pleasure being in the process. Those who are less fortunate are much less satisfied with almost everything in the world, they go with the flow and only occasionally flounder, informing that they are still “alive”. The most people are located between the two extremes, and if you had the strength to read up to these lines, you will succeed and find motivation for action.
To begin with, the laziness and procrastination with which coaches and other specialists are fighting is the same thing, it’s not a disadvantage and there isn’t any need to cope with it. Laziness is natural and just as normal as the fact that a mug, if you put it on a flat table, will not roll, fly, or jump. This is how a person is arranged, in the absence of external or internal forces (incentives) he will do nothing. Accordingly, it is much more useful to find out the nature of motivational forces, to understand where they come from and how to support them than to try to defeat procrastination.
Motivational forces mostly come in two flavors: “receiving a reward” and “avoiding a crisis”. That is why it is much easier to complete all the necessary things when there is very little time left, inner discomfort appears, which acts as a call to action. In addition, incentives are divided into external and internal. For example, if you are threatened to be fired, this is an external incentive, and when you independently improve the quality of your work to achieve a promotion or increase in wages, it is an internal incentive. The more external stimuli a person has, the more passive his life position. Conversely, internal stimuli are autonomous and self-sufficient. For this reason, it is worth increasing the number of intrinsic motivators.
Having understood the basics, let’s move on to the main thing – changing the motivation system starting by asking just one question:
“Why do I live, do I have a specific purpose or not, what is it worth living for?”
It is important to be honest with yourself, not invent goals that are not needed or imposed by the environment and be ready to admit that right now there are no goals as such. This is a rather fine point, big dreams same as big muscles in bodybuilding should be accumulated gradually. The question above is the most difficult and responsible one. It cannot be answered based on logic alone and it leads us to the necessity of faith in human life. Nothing will work without believes. It’s not enough to realize the usefulness of our actions to be proactive and successful. The drive to act must be a part of us. Everything we do on a regular basis requires no explanation or florid justification. We act because it is natural, and we are accustomed to do so. At the same time, forcing ourselves, we spend a lot of effort and eventually give up. Willpower is good for an abrupt change in course, but it is not good for long periods of time. Its constant use leads to breakdowns, emotional burnout and even depression.
Embrace the beliefs that are close to you. Start to act not for the sake of the result, but because this is the kind of person you are, this is your approach in life, and you are doing the right thing. Conscious acceptance of the worldview will not only provide motivation, it will reveal the meaning of life not in the form of individual achievements and goals, but in the form of a constant process.